Welcome to Problem Child cards, the home of Tracy Hambley shadowboxes starring as ...GREETING CARDS! The Problem Child by Tracy Hambley line is now available in selected stores throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. To order cards, request a Problem Child brochure, find store locations, or for any other information, please go to: http://www.potluckpress.com
or call :206-328-1300

All original boxes created for the Problem Child card line are sold out.

Remember When We Took Drugs To Feel Alive? Now We Take Drugs To Stay Alive

Come on, relax......It's all in fun!
This actually isn't even a shadowbox. It's more of a set up measuring about 15" x 18". Her glasses come off but the drugs (actually airbrushed Smarties candy ) are glued down. I suppose I could sell her if someone was really interested, but I have grown kind of fond of her. She's hanging out with me in my studio. Every time I look at her I want to eat Smarties. I guess that makes her my pusher.